Single Cigar-Acid Blondie Belicoso cigars are handcrafted with the finest tobaccos. The Acid Blondie Belicoso cigar includes botanicals, essential oils, and other herbs. Read more.
This Acid cigar is handcrafted with the finest tobaccos. In addition to this Acid cigar it features a Nicaraguan infused filler. The filler in this cigar is infused with botanicals, essential oils, and other herbs. This also helps to create their signature aroma and flavor. Drew Estate's Acid cigar has a very smooth and sugary taste. The cigar's belicoso size is heftier than the Acid Blondie. Acid Blondie Belicoso and the Acid Blondie has the same aromatic finish. This cigar is wrapped in a Connecticut shade wrapper. The wrapper gives an experience of mellow to medium strengths. Also, the wrapper gives this cigar a honey citrus undertone. This cigar is available at the Cigar Box stores.