A little about Litto and LFD
Known for their bold flavors, impeccable craftsmanship, and innovative spirit, La Flor Dominicana cigars have become a staple among aficionados worldwide. Behind this renowned brand stands Litto Gomez, a visionary whose journey from jewelry store owner to master cigar maker has left an indelible mark on the industry.
The Journey of Litto Gomez
Litto Gomez's foray into the cigar industry was not a conventional one. Originally from Spain, Gomez's background in jewelry provided him with a keen eye for detail and a commitment to craftsmanship. In the early 1990s, he embarked on a new path, venturing into the world of cigars with a determination to create something extraordinary.
Gomez's approach to cigar making was marked by a relentless pursuit of perfection. He established La Flor Dominicana in the Dominican Republic, where he personally oversaw every aspect of production, from seed to cigar. This hands-on approach allowed Gomez to maintain strict quality control and ensure that each cigar bearing the La Flor Dominicana name met his exacting standards.
The Art of Cigar Making
At the heart of La Flor Dominicana's success lies Gomez's dedication to using only the finest tobaccos available. The company cultivates its own tobacco on their farms in the Dominican Republic, giving them unparalleled control over the entire production process. This vertical integration enables La Flor Dominicana to create cigars that are not only flavorful but also consistent in quality.
One of the hallmarks of La Flor Dominicana cigars is their strength and complexity. Gomez is known for his preference for Ligero tobacco, which lends his blends their robust character and distinctive flavor profile. From the peppery notes of the Double Ligero to the nuanced richness of the Andalusian Bull, each cigar reflects Gomez's mastery of blending tobaccos to create a memorable smoking experience.
Innovation and Recognition
Throughout the years, La Flor Dominicana has continued to innovate and push boundaries in the cigar industry. The iconic "Chisel" shape, introduced by Gomez, revolutionized cigar design and has since become synonymous with the brand. This innovation, coupled with Gomez's unwavering commitment to quality, has earned La Flor Dominicana numerous accolades and a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts.
Legacy and Influence
Litto Gomez's impact extends beyond the cigars themselves. His passion for craftsmanship and dedication to his craft serve as an inspiration to aspiring cigar makers and enthusiasts alike. As La Flor Dominicana continues to thrive under his leadership, Gomez remains committed to upholding the traditions of cigar making while embracing innovation and evolution.
Litto Gomez and La Flor Dominicana cigars embody the essence of excellence in cigar craftsmanship. From humble beginnings to international acclaim, Gomez's journey is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance in creating something extraordinary. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, exploring the rich flavors and meticulous craftsmanship of La Flor Dominicana cigars is an experience not to be missed. You can shop LFD cigars at any Cigar Box location or Online!