Padron 1926 80th Maduro cigars consist of a blend of well-aged Nicaraguan tobaccos wrapped in a maduro wrapper. The Padron 1926 80th Maduro cigars are...More
Padron 1926 80th Maduro cigars consist of a blend of well-aged Nicarag...
The Padron 1926 No. 90 Tubo Maduro cigar consists of a blend of the finest ten-year's aged Nicaraguan filler tobaccos covered with a dark and deliciou...More
The Padron 1926 No. 90 Tubo Maduro cigar consists of a blend of the fi...
Padron 1926 80th Natural cigar is a full-bodied cigar with a Cuban-seed Nicaraguan wrapper, draped over a Nicaraguan long-filler, and a Nicaraguan bin...More
Padron 1926 80th Natural cigar is a full-bodied cigar with a Cuban-see...
Padron 1926 No. 2 Natural cigars have a smooth nutty flavor and a rich, long finish. The Padron 1926 No. 2 Natural cigars have an excellent medium to ...More
Padron 1926 No. 2 Natural cigars have a smooth nutty flavor and a rich...
Padron 1926 No. 9 Natural cigars are spicy, full-bodied and robust made with top-quality Nicaraguan tobaccos, aged for five years. The cigars are wrap...More
Padron 1926 No. 9 Natural cigars are spicy, full-bodied and robust mad...
The Padron 1926 No. 90 Tubo Natural cigar is a full-bodied smoke that combines complexity, balance and flavor. All the tobacco used in the Padron 1926...More
The Padron 1926 No. 90 Tubo Natural cigar is a full-bodied smoke that ...
Padron 1964 Presidente Maduro is a full-bodied cigar, with traces of coffee bean, cocoa, and hazelnut. The Padron Presidente Maduro cigar is handmade ...More
Padron 1964 Presidente Maduro is a full-bodied cigar, with traces of c...
Padron 1964 Principe Maduro is a rich, dark box pressed cigar. The Padron 1964 Principe Maduro cigar also has a sweet, cocoa finish, and is a bold, ea...More
Padron 1964 Principe Maduro is a rich, dark box pressed cigar. The Pad...
The Padron 1964 Soberano Maduro cigar has a dark and leathery Nicaraguan puro and is simply exquisite, with a texture that is exclusively Padron. The ...More
The Padron 1964 Soberano Maduro cigar has a dark and leathery Nicaragu...